Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Not even sure if it is the same design as those given out in branches. Got this from their card center at gardens. **Update: No it is not the same. Please refer to end of post.

Only got this colour combination and then they are out of stock. Pink flowers on light blue background. Found the below online where there are 4 other background colours: pink, yellow, orange and indigo.

Got this online as a record.

From left to right: 3M, playstation, midvalley collaboration with h bank, and kingston (from games shop).

Turned them over

This is the back. Got this after buying 28 as required.

Nice pastel colours

The back.

They were kept in this red envelope.

We bought Clear 350ml shampoo at offer price of 14.88

** Update: More (click for bigger image)

foc with 15ish worth of products


dog or calf?

better paper quality


More vibrant green?

why not the same as those online but still origami dog design

sharper version


closer look at back 

All in this red env